Saturday, March 28, 2009

With Spring comes tulips....

I took this picture back in 1998 at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Washington. My friend Leanne Carlson and I went there for the day. What a sight to see! What a way to see God's creation. So many colors and types of tulips. Rows and rows as far as you can see. The festival is usually held sometime in March or April depending on the weather that season. This for sure should be on your list of places to see before you die. For more information go to: Flowers I love flowers. I think God knew flowers would bring happiness to us women on any day not just a special occassion. God took the time to put so many details into a flower. Why? I think it's because the God we serve is not an assembly line kind of maker. It says in Psalms 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. v14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Isn't that awesome? We each were made with our own unique mold designed to seek, praise and worship our creator. Let's ask the Lord to see the flower he has made us to be and to be a fragrance that draws those around us closer to Him. May Jesus allow the flowers in you to bloom for His glory!


  1. 1998?? It doesn't seem that long ago... thanks for the memory!

  2. Shelley,
    Thank you for stopping by "Praying Wives Club". I pray God is able to us to bless your marriage. I love your Blog (and I'm not just saying that). You are quite apt with this Blogging. I could learn some things from you! Have a blessed day and I will be following you as well!
    God Bless! Cherie (PWC)


My boys...

My boys...
Landon and Chase

About Me

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I have been happily married to my best friend since September 10, 1983! We have been blessed with two sons Chase and Landon along with three awesome nieces and two amazing nephews!