Friday, May 29, 2009

Boys just love to have fun!

"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17 The value of a good friend is priceless! I thank the Lord for blessing my sons with good friendships. Friends that they can have fun with, serve the Lord with, pray with and grow up with. We all need good friends. Friends that will tell us what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. Friends that will challenge us to draw closer to the Lord. Friends that forgive us for not being too friendly sometimes. I love it that I have friends that go thru the seasons of life with me. I have friends that are great shopping buddies; great deal finders; recommend great books to read; some of my friends love to cook; some hate to cook; some of them like paper plates; some of them would never consider paper plates; some like hot weather; some like cold weather; some are organized and some are not-so-much; some collect anything that has a frog on it; and some of them love tulips... I could go on and on...Isn't that cool that the Lord blesses us in all different ways with friends that are both just like us and some who are totally opposite of us? This keeps life exiting, fun and real! I need real! I need to be able to "be myself" with my friends. That's what God wants from us. To be REAL! To be GENUINE! To be free to kneel at his feet and share with him what causes us concern. He wants to be our BEST FRIEND! My mom used to sing that hymn: "What a friend we have in Jesus" when I was little. So true, so true! Someone that will always be there and love us just the way we are. God, Please bless my friends today! Open up new opportunities for them. Surround them in your grace, joy and love. In your precious name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your blog - I know how you feel! Moms with sons are truly special moms!


My boys...

My boys...
Landon and Chase

About Me

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I have been happily married to my best friend since September 10, 1983! We have been blessed with two sons Chase and Landon along with three awesome nieces and two amazing nephews!